As experts in TETRA/DMR systems, Sigtech Wireless Technologies provide total solution for various wireless products for OEM and other players in the Industry who wish to develop or deploy their Systems. We also work with the Industry to develop customized application designed to support their business model. We have developed a highly skilled team with expertise in Protocol Stack Development, Digital Signal Processing Embedded systems, networking, embedded programming, security etc.

Sigtech signed a contract for PS-LTE, MCPTT development
Sigtech signed a contract for the development of PS-LTE , MCPTT module - July 2017
LTE public safety stack
Sigtech started the development on LTE public safety stack - March 2017
PS-LTE development
Sigtech partners with an Indian defense R&D Company for PS-LTE development-January 2017
DMR in the International Wireless Communication Expo(IWCE)-2016
Sigtech successfully demonstrated DMR in the International Wireless CommunicationExpo(IWCE)-2016 -March 2016
Sigtech collaborates with a South Korean manufacturer
Sigtech collaborates with a South Korean manufacturer for Joint DMR Product Development September 2015.
Sigtech signs contract with an Australian Manufacturer
Sigtech signs major DMR technology contract with an Australian Manufacturer
Sigtech signs MoU with Cetronics
Sigtech signs MoU with Cetronics, the hardware design house that designs, builds, tests and delivers Analog, Digital and Mixed Signal systems and subsystems, to partner in using capabilities of each other
Sigtech engaged by a German Company to develop and supply customised stacks for TETRA based Pager applications
Sigtech engaged by a German Company to develop and supply customised stacks for TETRA based Pager applications
A leading Korean PMR Manufacturer signs agreement with Sigtech for the maintenance and enhancement of TETRA Protocol Stacks
A leading Korean PMR Manufacturer signs agreement with Sigtech for the maintenance and enhancement of TETRA Protocol Stacks
Sigtech develops system to monitor coastal security
Comprehensive Vessel Monitoring and Security System (CVMS) is designed to secure our coastline from foreign and domestic threats as well as addressing fishermen safety combined with commercial benefits. Read more »